As a Certified Grief and Life After Divorce Coach, I guide women (like you)

who have experienced divorce, relationship trauma, and loss.

Let me coach you through your healing journey, teach you tools, and work through relationship trauma, so you can build an amazing life full of abundance, joy, love, and purpose.

Hi, I'm Sandy

I remember the moment my life changed forever.

I was in my bedroom. My husband had just left me.

My youngest daughter was sleeping in her bed down the hall, unaware that our life and family were crumbling.

I felt numb. I felt fear. A wave of anxiety like I've never experienced before.

Like glass shattering into a million pieces, I felt broken beyond repair.

Around the same time as my divorce, my sweet mother and brother, who lived 2 miles from my home, passed away.

I could not catch a break.

But I had 6 kids, a handful of grandkids and a life to live. I had to pick myself up. I knew I had to.

But I didn't know how to make the pieces of me fit.

I always thought I had to try to fix what was broken. I found a grief coach and learned to take the pieces and made something NEW.

My healing journey using the HOPE Model of Healing has transformed me and helped me rebuild my life. I never thought I would be happy again, but I am living my best life.

Today as a certified grief and coach, I guide Christian women who have experienced divorce, relationship trauma, or other loss.

I help my clients through 5 stepping-stones of healing, effective coping techniques, and forgiveness so they can progress towards a life abundant with love, joy, and purpose.


Have you ever heard of

Coaching for Life After Divorce and Grief?

Let me share what "Grief Coaching" looks like:

  • 12-Week Program

  • Weekly Coaching Sessions

  • Personalized Instruction

  • Workbook with Journal Prompts

  • Email & Text Support

  • Flexible scheduling

  • Virtual options

Weekly Coaching

Your grief coach will meet with you weekly (often on Zoom) and be a compassionate listener and guide. These meetings are flexible to your needs and follow a proven, structured curriculum with a Workbook/Journal provided.


Our curriculum is proven to support those who are grieving from divorce, relationship trauma, and death of a loved one.

We use the HOPE Model of Healing and 5 Foundations of Growth to support your healing journey, step by step..


Our 8-week program is structured and flexible, to allow the natural course of grief and healing to happen while gently guiding you to a healthier place.

You will be able to go through the workbook at your own pace during the week.


When we're grieving, often we feel isolated from even closest friends and family. They may not know how to support you. Gain support from a professional outside your immediate circle to confide in and trust with your daily challenges.


What My Clients Say

I felt like I was drowning and I couldn’t breathe.

I wasn’t functioning and I knew I needed help.

What drew me to Sandy was that she is someone who is so compassionate and has such an open, transparent, and genuine heart. I knew she had experienced great loss herself. She had sought help and had received healing and hope through that process, so much so, that she wanted to offer it to others. I didn’t know what that looked like and how it could help me, but I knew she was the person who could be there for me. She has walked the road of grief with me. She has cried with me. She has loved with me. She has laughed with me.

I am so grateful to say that I have come through to a place of joy and appreciation. All of the horizons of my life are opening up again. I know that healing is truly possible.

For anyone who experiencing loss yourself, I would say, talk to Sandy and give her the opportunity to walk that road with you.


Sandy's coaching was an answer to prayer. Her program brought me out of the deep grief of loss and into the light again. My brain fog has lifted. My energy level and ability to show up for my kids have increased. Sandy is kind and easy to talk to. The tools I learned from her are invaluable and will be a part of my wellness practice for the rest of my life.

Thank you Sandy!


"My wounds were so big.

I was paralyzed with grief.

I was struggling to function and didn't know how to move forward after losing my daughter.

Sandy helped me when I needed it most.

I am so grateful for her loving kindness and ministering to me."


“I asked Sandy for help when my dear friend lost her first baby. She helped me understand how to support my friend through her grieving process. I’m very grateful I reached out”


It's time for healing!

Recover from Loss from Divorce, Relationship Trauma, or Death of a loved one.

Take it from me, your Grief and Divorce Coach, Sandy Falter! Hope is possible. Joy is possible. Forgiveness is possible.

You don't have to live with stress, sadness, anger or resentment any more.

Let me help!

Sand to Glass

a poem by Sandy Falter

I used to be a rock. I was a solid foundation for others to crumble on, to rest on, to build on, to push off from, to feel, and I just stood solid.

Rock can build foundations, but it can also build barriers.
Because of some horrible experiences beginning in my childhood, I started to build walls of protection from further pain. I didn’t allow myself to be vulnerable - which also meant I couldn’t truly grow. I was stuck. It’s not easy to change rock. The process is brutal, painful.

Then the worst storm of my life hit. Far more tragic than anything I had ever experienced and it pulverized the rock. Broken in pieces.

But the rock became sand. Now I am sand.

Sand is vulnerable and changes. Sand is pleasant and comforting. Sand cannot hold everyone up but has to rely on others to be strong.

Sand can be transformed. Sand can become glass!

Transparent and reflective. Vulnerable. Refined. Glass reflects light. Glass protects and provides safety from the elements.

Glass is needed and desired. Glass is versatile and useful.

Glass is exquisitely beautiful!

I was a rock. Now I am sand.

I am being transformed into beautiful glass.

Certified H.O.P.E. Grief Coach

Build a Life After Loss



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